Headteacher: Mrs Binks Neate-Evans
Email: head@st-michaelsaylsham.norfolk.sch.uk
Deputy headteacher: Mrs Julie Phillips
Email: deputyhead@st-michaelsaylsham.norfolk.sch.uk
Chair of Governing Body: Mrs Olivia Corfield
Email: office@st-michaelsaylsham.norfolk.sch.uk
Business and Operations Manager: Mrs Fiona Tibbitt
Email: office@st-michaelsaylsham.norfolk.sch.uk
Telephone: 01263 732260
Designated Safeguarding Leads
Mrs Fiona Tibbitt – Business and Operations Manager
Mrs Julie Phillips – Deputy Headteacher
Ms Sharon McCann – Pastoral Lead
Special Education Needs Co-ordinator
SENDCo – Mrs Jo Buchanan
Assistant SENDCo – Ms Sharon McCann
Class organisation for September 2024-25
Acorn Class (Nursery) led by Emily and supported by Keeley
Apple Class (Reception/Y1) led by Mrs Goodson and supported by Mrs Lines and Ms Morter
Beech Class (Year 1/2) led by Mrs Perry and supported by Miss Parker and Miss Taylor
Maple Class (Year 3) led by Mrs Watkins and Mrs Campbell and supported by Mrs Daniels
Birch Class (Year 4) led by Mrs Cockerton and Miss Best and supported by Mrs Hague
Oak Class (Year 5) led by Mrs Goodman and supported by Miss Thornton
Oak Class (Year 6) led by Mr Rush and supported by Miss Thornton and Mrs Taylor