Our Current Governing Body
Business or pecuniary interest
David Hibberd is also our school ICT technician and Trustee Cluster Trust
Olivia Corfield is business manager for Hevingham Primary School.
Revd Canon Julie Boyd is a trustee for the Schoolhouse Trust
Jeremy Marris is an employee of Just4Children
Abigail Needham is an employee at Suffield Park Infant and Nursery School
There are no other business or pecuniary interests to note.
We are proud that our team is exceptionally dedicated and passionate about our school. “Governors, leaders and staff have high expectations for what pupils should achieve.”(Ofsted November 2023). This is indicative of the support generally that St Michael’s receives from parents and the wider community in Aylsham. The governors organise into 3 committees in order to manage their work efficiently. These committees are:
- Finance and General Purposes, chaired by Dr David Hibberd
- Curriculum, chaired by Revd Julie Boyd
- Partnership, chaired by Olivia Corfield
Click here for our committee terms of reference.
A huge thank you to Eleanor Milligan and Katie Partridge who resigned as governors earlier this year and Kim Thornton, Pippa Van Kuijk and Ross Billington who stood down as governors at the end of August ready for the new Federation Governing Board on 01.09.24. They have been a real asset to the Governing Body and the school. Fiona Tibbitt resigned as Clerk (Governance Professional) in April this year after fulfilling the role for nearly 12 years.
The Governing Body at St Michael’s School maintains strong links with all associated groups but especially the parents of the School and the local Church(s) and as a result any governor vacancies are quite quickly filled by new enthusiastic governors, passionate about our School. However we are always keen to welcome new people onto the team and should you be interested in becoming a governor, please contact the Chair of Governors via the School Office (01263 732260).