
Latest Nursery News

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General Information


Please could we ask that no nuts or nut products are brought into the Nursery as we currently have children with nut allergies in our Nursery.


If you have not yet signed up your child for milk please do, it’s FREE in Nursery so please take it up. We keep it in the fridge so it’s nice and cold and the children drink it at fruit time.

Naming of clothes

Please could you check that all of your child’s clothes are still clearly labelled with their name. Many are nearly washed out. Please also ensure shoes, coats and P.E. kits are named. We are aware that the new P.E. string bags do not have a place for a name on the outside anymore but it is a big help for us and your children if they can be named on the outside of the bag.

P.E. days

P.E. will take place on a Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning. Children need a t-shirt and shorts in a bag on their peg ready for their P.E. session. We encourage children to try to dress themselves so any extra practice they can get at home is a huge help. Please ensure all clothes are clearly labelled.

Forest school days

Forest School will take place on Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon. During the summer term we trialled taking a smaller group out for Forest School and found that up to 15 children worked really well together so we will continue to work like this. This will mean that your child will go out for Forest School sessions every other week, weather and helpers permitting.

If you are able to help out with these sessions (particularly on Tuesday mornings) we would be very grateful for your help. Please let us know and enquire about CRB checks through the school office.


We understand that at this stage many children still find a special teddy or blanket a big comfort when in a new environment. If your child has a special comforter we will encourage them to keep it safe in their bag or drawer during the session, once they have settled. They may share it with their friends during fruit time if they wish too.


If you have any questions or concerns at any time please do come in. If you feel you may need longer to talk please ask and we will arrange a time.

Thank you