Home/School Partnership

At St. Michael’s we believe that parents are the child’s first educators and we aim to build on the skills you and your child have explored together at home.  When we work in partnerhsip with you we can have a positive impact on children’s development and learning.  So please tell the staff about your child’s achievements, their strengths, needs and anything else that you feel will help us support your child.

At St. Michael’s we want your child to feel happy and secure and we welcome all parental involvement This may be through helping in a class, sharing a particular skill you have, helping to runa club, supporting your child’s learning at home, joining one of our committees or helping on school trips.  If you would like to help and get involved, please talk to your child’s teacher. 

We encourage you to have regular contact with your child’s teacher who is available ten minutes before and after school every day.  Formal communication between home and school takes many forms and includes:

Parent consultation evenings, which are held each term so we can keep you closely informed about the progress your child is making and discuss their ‘next steps’.  During these evenings parents have a chance to look at their child’s work and an opportunity to talk to their child’s teacher in confidence.

Written reports are sent home towards the end of the school year.  Reception class parents receive The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile showing the attainment their child has reached across six areas of the curriculum.  Parents of Nursery children who are moving into their reception year also receive their child’s ‘Learning Story.’

‘Walkabouts’ are organised at different times throughout the year so children can show their parents/carers around their own classroom and throughout the rest of the school.  This is a wonderful opportunity to see all the exciting things children having been doing in their classes.

Home School Agreement When any child joins the school or nursery the family is given a  Home School Agreement which we ask a parent and the child to sign and the head teacher will also sign.  Please click on the link to see the agreement.

Emergencies If your child is taken ill or has an accident during the day we will need to contact you as soon as possible. Please keep us up-to-date with home, work and mobile phone numbers.  The number of a relative or friend would also be helpful should we be unable to contact you personally.  Children collected or returned to school during the school day must report to the office so that we ahve accurate information in case of fire.  A book is available in the lobby for completion by Parents/Carers.

Medicines As a general rule no member of staff can administer medicines, such as antibiotics, to children.  Parents and carers are welcome to come into school to give their child prescribed medication if necessary.  we can, however, store inhalers for children with asthma and can make special arrangements for children who have other long-term illnesses.

Absence from school Please ensure your child attends school every day unless he or she is unwell.  If your child is unable to attend, a telephone call as early as possible on the first day of absence is required – you are welcome to leave a message on the answerphone.  In the case of an infectious illness your child should only return at your doctor’s recommendation.  we urge parents not to send children back to school too soon after any period of illness, especially in the case of sickness adn diarrhoea, when children should not return to school until at least 48 hours after the last attack.